Who We Are

Elim Center International is a non-profit organization within World Olivet Asssembly(WOA) that supports regional and national Olivet Assemblies as well as churches, ministries, and individual members through prayer with the power of the Holy Spirit. Elim Center International also educates and trains prayer ministers and leaders to become more professional in interceding and counseling those within their ministry or church.

Elim Center believes prayer is the very means of coming closer to God. It is a way for us to deeply experience God’s healing and restoration. We also seek to motivate people to live for God’s Kingdom and righteousness with their spiritual gifts.

The prayer team at Elim Center continuously prays, crying out for the healing and restoration of the earth. We pray ceaselessly because we believe true love is realized through prayers.

Elim Center gives all the glory to God, who always leads us to springs of living water. 

We welcome all of you who are visiting the Elim Center International website!